What does your body language say about you?

Many people say that interviewers will decide whether you are suitable for the job within the first 15 seconds of meeting you. Although most interviews will try to give you a fair chance, first impressions do count.

Research carried out by Professor Albert Mehrabian has shown that when it comes to first impressions 55% is based on your appearance, 38% on tone of voice, 7% only on what is actually said. Therefore, looking and sounding the part is critical.

Whether we like it not, judgments are made about us by the way we look, our clothes, hair, facial expressions, and our posture. These decisions will usually be made within the first few seconds of meeting with you. Even before you speak, your interviewer will be absorbing non-verbal clues about you.

You will be judged by how you stand, how you walk, how you shake hands, how you smile, and how you sit. That is why it is important to think about your body language.

Use positive body language to connect with the person who is interviewing you – but first, you need to think about how you are coming across from the minute you enter the building. Body language can make or break an interview.

What does your body language say about you?

  • Slouching in the chair makes a person seem disinterested.
  • Smiling and maintaining contact shows that you are listening.
  • Placing your arms behind your head signals to the interviewer that you think you are superior.
  • Arms crossed or eyes facing downwards means you are being defensive and possibly hiding something.
  • Fiddling with your hands or nails implies you are nervous or not interested.
  • Playing with your hair or wrapping it around your fingers is a sign of nerves.
  • Looking at your watch suggests you want the interview to end or have somewhere else better to be.
  • Touching your face, rubbing your nose or touching your earlobe means you might have an itch but these are also a sign that you are lying.

Interviewers believe that a limp handshake shows a lack of confidence. In a recent article published in the Daily Mail newspaper 20% of the 2,000 people surveyed said they judge people instantly on the quality of their handshake.

Be aware of your body language so that it does not cost you the job.

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