Matching your personality to a job

Ever wondered why some people in certain careers blossom while others feel like a square peg in a round hole? The answer lies in the fascinating world of personality traits. Your personality isn't just about your likes and dislikes; it's the key to unlocking your potential.

Just like your favourite playlist reflects your musical taste, your personality traits paint a vivid picture of the kind of job that could be your perfect match.

If you are someone who is a caring person, your empathy and people skills could mean you could be suitable as a nurse, counsellor or social worker.  

On the other hand, if you are an analytical thinker, pay attention to detail and are a problem solver, this makes you the ideal candidate for careers in data analysis, software development or financial planning.

Discovering your personality type isn't about limiting your options; it's about finding the opportunities that match with your strengths and passions.

A good way to start is by taking a careers quiz. There are a lot available on the internet but we have found two to help you make a good start.

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