How to develop your transferable skills

When you enter the job market you face the exciting challenge of building a foundation for a successful career. Developing soft skills (transferable skills) will make you more employable.

If you already have those key skills, it will mean that you can get up and running quickly.

Do you know which skills are most in demand? Click here to find out more

For example – Communication is one of the most important skills valued by employers. You use this skill in your daily life carrying out tasks such as

  • writing emails
  • dealing with customers
  • reading instructions
  • helping and caring for people
  • answering the telephone
  • dealing with complaints
  • giving a presentation

You may think that you don’t have any skills but that is simply not true. Download our useful form and write examples of how you have used these skills in your daily life. You can also see what skills you need to develop.

How you can develop your soft skills

  • Volunteer for a local charity. Volunteering not only contributes to your community but also helps you develop communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills.
  • Join clubs, societies, or organisations related to your interests.
  • Ask a local business for work experience.
  • Develop and maintain a professional online presence through platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Showcase your achievements. Develop a portfolio showcasing your projects and skills.
  • Be part of a team, like sports or creative arts to show you’re a team player.
  • Don’t be afraid to take on a new challenge such as organising an event, performing in a play or raising money for charity.
  • Think about taking on extra-curricular activities outside of work or education.
  • Sign up for a part-time course at the college or online. This could be something you enjoy doing such as learning a language or photography.
  • You might have really good digital skills and could offer to help your family, friends or neighbours.
  • You may want to be a mentor for younger students.

All of these experiences help build your soft skills. Don’t be afraid to take on a new challenge, it will set you aside from other job seekers.

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