Project Manager

In this role you will be responsible for defining, facilitating and completing projects. You will lead the project team using project management methods and tools and will provide regular and accurate communication to stakeholders.

Responsibilities or Duties

  1. Team Building and Resources:
    - Form a project team and provide them with what they need.
    - Communication and Understanding Needs:
    - Talk with important people, keeping business needs in mind.
  2. Planning and Goal Setting:
    - Plan the project, set goals, and understand dependencies.
    - Handling Changes and Risks:
    - Manage changes systematically and address potential issues.
  3. Agreeing on Project Limits:
    - Set constraints for cost, time, quality, and scope.
  4. Learning from Experience:
    - Review and learn from past and ongoing projects.
  5. Facilitating Discussions and Decisions:
    - Help the team communicate, decide, and resolve conflicts.
  6. On-time Delivery and Budget Monitoring:
    - Ensure the project is completed on time and within budget.
  7. Closing and Reviewing:
    - Formally close and review the project for future improvements.

Skills Required

  • Strong organisational skills
  • Strong communication skills, able to communicate in various styles for maximum impact and accuracy
  • Competent in Microsoft applications: including Word, Outlook, SharePoint and Excel.
  • Competent using project management tools
  • Competent using project planning tools such as MS Project

Industry Qualifications

  • Project Management qualification

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