People Engagement Volunteer

Manx BirdLife

Manx BirdLife is the independent wildlife conservation charity based in the Isle of Man working to protect, restore and enhance the Island’s wild bird populations and the habitats on which they depend.  

The Manx BirdLife Point of Ayre National reserve is due to open to the public in May 2024 and we are currently looking for volunteers to help with our people engagement activities onsite.

As a Visitor Engagement Volunteer the tasks you will undertake will depend on the time of year, just some of the activities you might be asked to help with include providing a friendly welcome to visitors when they arrive, having conversations with visitors and finding out how you can help them enjoy their visit, whether that's pointing out where the trails are or where they can see wildlife or engaging with visitors on the trails and encouraging responsible behaviour.

This role is flexible so there are no minimum commitments required but ideally we would like your help one morning or afternoon at least once a month. 

We will be looking to pair people up for this role so there will be no lone working required.

You don't need to be a wildlife expert or even a birdwatcher for this role but you do need to be a ‘people person’ and have good communication skills.  Full training and support will be provided for anyone taking part.

This is a really rewarding and enjoyable role. You will be working with a friendly team on a beautiful nature reserve, you will have the opportunity to make new friends and spend time outdoors. You will get to meet loads of new people in this role, enjoying conversation and helping people have a wonderful visit. There is always the opportunity to learn new things and gain skills through volunteering, by working on a reserve, you'll naturally learn all about how nature reserves are managed and the wildlife that is found there.

Salary & benefits

Flexible but preferably 4 hours a month

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