
Counsellors help people discuss their problems and feelings in a confidential setting. You could work with individuals, couples, families or groups.

Day-to-day Tasks

As a counsellor, you could use different types of therapy to:

  • agree what will be covered in sessions and keep records
  • build trust with a client in person, online or over the phone
  • listen carefully, ask questions and check understanding
  • help your client to talk about their feelings, see things clearer and find ways to cope
  • empathise but challenge when necessary

Skills and Knowledge

  • counselling skills including active listening and a non-judgemental approach
  • knowledge of psychology
  • the ability to understand people’s reactions
  • active listening skills
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • sensitivity and understanding

Industry Qualifications

You can get into this job through a university course or training with a counselling organisation.

You could do a diploma, degree or postgraduate course in counselling or psychotherapy. You might be able to study counselling alongside another subject like psychology, sociology or criminology.

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